Race Results

Hot Summer Nights 6 Hour Team Enduro Results

The weather was kind to us here in Seattle for our third annual 6 hour team enduro, overcast and mid 70’s throughout the day. That compared with the high 80’s throughout the prior week sure was a bit of relief. Turnout was lighter than in the previous year with only half the field filled, this was probably due to my lack of promotion of the event with so many other things taking place. With that we had some great racing. The track order was drawn random and ended up being the reverse of last year, first up 2 hours on the hillclimb: Running under rental voltage due to a bad power supply on the race voltage bank the racing was mellow, 2 volts under normal race voltage sure makes for some clean racing even with half the field, After the hillclimb it was the Sweeney/Lim team with 20 laps over the Burgess/Cavish/Roed team, 20 laps is not much after 1/3rd of the race. Only 73 laps behind them were The McCuistion Brothers with Leonard Strand and Roy Dredge, our only team with 4 racers, Another 65 laps back were Olive/Hoyt/West with a surprisingly slow start. Up next was the Twister, being 135′ long compared to the 90′ hillclimb it was still anyone’s race. Once again team Sweeney/Lim finished 22 laps ahead of team Olive/Hoyt/West. 46 laps back were The McCuistion Brothers with Leonard Strand and Roy Dredge, followed by Burgess/Cavish/Roed who 60 more laps back. At this point the lunch break was done and our bellies full it was onto the Chief for some super fast banked track racing. This would prove to be the closest segment yet with the Sweeney/Lim team only ahead of the Burgess/Cavish/Roed team by 14 laps making the Sweeney/Lim team the overall victors with 4,165 laps ran in 6 hours, Team Burgess/Roed/Cavish ended up breaking the 4K mark with a total of 4,003 laps, 162 total laps behind the winning team. In third place overall were The McCuistion Brothers with Leonard Strand and Roy Dredge, making 1,655 total laps on the Chief with a final total of 3,885 hard fought laps. The Olive/Hoyt/West team did not fare so well with 1,617 laps on the Chief and 3,828 overall laps for the event.

We would like to thank all the racers for spending the day hanging out and having fun racing.


More info on the event including race results are here
Photos taken during the race can be found in our Photo Gallery