Lee Gilbert Wins And Nearly Sets A New Distance Record!
9 racers this week in the expert class. A few of the regulars were absent this week, so it is quite possible we could have over a dozen racers this week, especially since there a series race this weekend as well.
Lee Gilbert jumped out to the early lead where he would stay most of the race, myself and Frank Robertson kept him in our sights through the first 3 segments. After segment number 4 Lee and I were able to create some separation from the rest of the group. This is when the racing really started to heat up!! I know Lee pushed me to race to the best of my ability, and I would like to think I did the same to him. Racing was so close, I did not feel I could give up a foot on the track, and we both took numerous risks making passes in traffic.
Though I could stay with him, I couldn’t gain much at all on him due to phenomenal driving on his part. I finished 2nd in a borrowed car from Pipers’ Grandfather Fred Klinger, who has an amazing talent of building, and tuning cars. Bill Clemans was 3rd this week, just edging Frank for that spot.
Series racing this weekend at 1pm.