
Important Information regarding the Tuesday Night Bracket Series

Over the past month we have been discussing some changes to the Tuesday night drag racing program. To mix things up a bit and create even more excitement starting in the Spring series we will be doing the following:

There will now be three points classes run:

  • Bracket
  • Pro Bracket
  • Super Gas (.990 Index)


Bracket: is as it is now, any car, 2 second maximum ET
Pro Bracket: .999 and quicker (no dial-ins of 1.0 second or more)
Super Gas: Full bodied cars with .500 wide tires (cars must be modeled after real super gas cars)

A car may be entered in more than one class, only one driver per car per class

90 second clock: Racers will have up to 90 seconds to do whatever they feel is necessary to prepare track surface for their run (use of Koford M452 Regular drag glue only). Preparation is limited to the start of the track up to the end of the tree. Rear tires of car may not go beyond the tree, doing so is a violation and subject to forfeiture of run.

Controllers are the racers responsibility. Loaner controllers will be made available in the staging area for those who do not own their own controller. Any controller malfunction loaner or otherwise is considered the same as a race car malfunction and is the racers responsibility. There will be no reruns, the computer indicates the winner. We expect racers to be courteous and disconnect and clear any loaner after each round.

Buy Backs: There will be no buy-backs into the second round in any of the Tuesday classes. The track is open for practice between 3pm and 7pm when racing starts.

Entry Fees & Payouts: Entry fee will remain $5.00 per car/per class, House take is 50%, .50 per entry will go to race directors, remaining $2.00 will be distributed 100% on the night of the race, there will be no portion held back for points series end as we have done in past series. Each of the 3 classes will get 1/3 of the total pot, 2/3 in each class will go to winner, 1/3 will go to runner-up. Payouts to racers will continue to be in Track Bucks.

Each series we will continue to run Bracket/Pro Bracket, the third class will be chosen for the next series prior to the start of the series with the top participants in the current series having the most influence of what that class may be.

We are in hopes that this will encourage renewed excitement and fast, fair and fun competition in our drag race program. As always we welcome feedback and always strive to make our program the best it can possibly be.

Thanks and happy racing!