In Memory of Lee Gilbert

Its with a heavy heart that I share the news of Lee Gilbert’s passing. I like many of you have known Lee for a long time through our sport. Lee has stories of success dating all the way back to the 60s when he would pay his rent with the winnings of slot car races (a real pro!). To this day he could still make the podium. I first met Lee back in 1985 when I was barely a teenager at our local raceway. Skip ahead 25 years to our current raceway Lee has been a good friend to me and a great supporter of the raceway. There was always much to be learned from Lee, slot car and otherwise if you took the time to listen. Besides me he’s probably clocked more hours than anyone else at the raceway working on customer cars. It didn’t matter if you were the best racer or the worst, he did he best for everyone, simply because he loved the sport. I feel lucky to have had him and his support for the past 12 years, I am certain our local racers feel the same. I’ve been lucky to have traveled the world with Lee to races all over and to have met so many people who had so much respect for him and his accomplishments. Aside from his lifetime of achievements Lee is survived by his Two Daughters and a Granddaughter. Lee was a great person, a dear friend, and I will miss him.
We will hold a gathering to honor Lee in the near future and will post here when we have a firm date set.