
Friday Night Nascar Results

Get to feeling better soon Jim Nelson! Jim had a medical emergency Friday night, but fortunately it sounds like he is doing very well. J. Radford gave an encouraging update on his condition on the tracks Facebook page.

13 racers were on hand this past Friday night. Up first was a 5 person amateur race. David Parsons has apparently been doing him homework because he brought a car with him that no one could touch. It may have been the best car on the track all night! David won the race. He was followed by Jim Nelson, and Frank Robertson.

The expert group had a full field of 8 racers, including Bill Clemans who has been gone for a bit. “Bad” Brad Hoyt led the first 2 segments until he was passed by Tim Burgess in the third segment. I inherited the lead after Timmy had some body issues and won the race. Lee Gilbert finished 2nd, and Leonard Strand was 3rd.

This Saturday 1/20 is series racing at 1pm.